We are a most excellent health platform, we only take the highest end of the line, we are the industry of Hermes, are the fighter of rooster . YOU SPA health platform commitment: website technicians are real life photos and short videos of life, photos and videos and the same per capita, individual technicians I am more excellent than the photos, such as fake is willing to assume all responsibility, compensation for losses. SPA service first-class, professional massage techniques, advanced health concept, unique maintenance methods; We will strive to create a new era of global health platform!

 QQ:2593644365 WeChat 

No.485,In shanghai,grade:2k, 00 168 50 from shenzhen student
---We only do the top end---

您好,很高兴与你相遇 我叫:可可,来自:广东,类型:清秀正太学生 年龄:19,身高:168cm,体重:50kg 新人出道,所有照片实属本人,服务态度很好,体贴入微,爱好广泛,喜欢聊天,欢迎预约,可商务伴游,性格平易近人,清秀可爱,乖巧听话,素颜不化妆,穿着清新不女气,不抽烟不喝酒,为人真诚善良,忠厚诚实,服务热情,绝不敷衍了事,这个城市风很大,希望你是我第一个客户,也是最后一个。 Hello, nice to meet you My name is: Coco, from: Guangdong, type: Qingxiu Zhengtai student Age: 19, height: 168cm, weight: 50kg All the photos of the new comer are my own. I have a good service attitude and considerate attitude. I like chatting. I'm welcome to make an appointment. I can travel with you in business. I'm amiable. I'm smart and obedient. I don't make up. I don't dress up. I don't smoke or drink. I'm sincere and kind-hearted. I'm loyal and honest. I'm enthusiastic. I'm not perfunctory. This city is very popular Hope you are my first and last client.
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QQ: 2593644365
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